Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here is the plan

My sister is 7 weeks pregnant. We have seen her first ultrasound pictures and there is no doubt that she has a healthy little bean growing inside of her. She's due April 9th.

I saw my OBGYN last week and told her I want to get serious about trying and I wanted her help. She agreed and totally sympathized with me about not wanting to resort to seeing an RE just yet. She definitely doesn't know nearly as much as I do about PCOS, but I feel like as long as I know what I need, I will know when she can no longer help me. Our plan is to start Clomid. She thinks we should try 3 rounds and if I don't get pregnant in that time, we can do 3 more rounds with HCG trigger shots. Then, she said we should probably have an IUI done. I hate that thought, but I'll do anything to get pregnant at this point.

My husband had a semen analysis done a couple of months ago to check his levels and his doctor said it was normal. My OBGYN got a copy of the results and said that his levels are actually low-normal, which is the same result he had the last time we were trying. Slightly disappointing, but we can deal with it.

I'm seeing my acupuncturist on Friday and I'm hoping she can help my body get back to where it should be. I'm really excited and hopeful that it helps!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My sister is pregnant!

My sister is a year younger than me. We were really close until high school, then we weren't as close anymore. In the past couple of years, we have been getting close again, despite the fact that she lives 10 hours away. She and I have been very supportive of each other and talk weekly about everything that is going on in our lives. I love my sister!

My husband and I started trying again to get pregnant in January. My sister and her husband also started trying at about the same time. As I said before, I have immersed myself in research about alternative treatments and have read all the pregnancy books I could get my hands on to make sure I was fully informed. My sister only has one ovary because she had the other one removed in high school when it was overtaken by a large cyst. She quit taking her birth control and went on a diet to get as healthy as she could before seeing a specialist about her fertility options.

This past week, during my weekly phone call with her, she mentioned that she has been feeling sick and thought she might have the flu. I suggested that she test just to make sure she isn't pregnant. She was convinced she wasn't, but tested anyway the next morning. I got a message with a picture of a very positive pregnancy test and her utter disbelief that it was indeed positive. She retested several times with the same result and it was officially confirmed the following day at her doctor's office. My sister is 6 weeks pregnant.

Well, where does this leave me? Needless to say, I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately. I'm so excited to be an aunt (technically, I already brother-in-law has 4 kids)! However, I now feel that because I haven't been able to spontaneously reproduce like my sister amazingly did, there is definitely a problem with me. I have decided to throw nature out the window and get serious about getting pregnant.

I now have a new, more aggressive plan of action. I have scheduled an appointment with my GYN to discuss my fertility options. She has been my doctor forever and was helping us when we tried before, but quit practicing for a few months and we also quit trying. The last time I saw her, she suggested we see a reproductive endocrinologist, but I am not ready for that just yet. I feel like I know so much about this that she and I can work together well to make this happen. If she is unwilling to work with me, then I'll make a call to an RE. If by December, I'm not pregnant, I'll make the call.

In my research, I have also discovered the hidden benefits of acupuncture. My chiropractor happens to be a licensed acupuncturist and has a great reputation for the work she does. My next chiropractic appointment is this Friday and I plan to talk with her about starting acupuncture treatments to not only help with my anxiety and stress, but hopefully to get my hormones in balance, so I can become a Fertile Myrtile!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Start Things Off

My husband and I have been married for nearly five years. When we got married, we dreamed of someday starting a family of our own. We thought that the time had come about two years into our marriage, so we went to the doctor to get the ball rolling. It was then that I was officially diagnosed with PCOS, but assured that we could still get pregnant with only a little extra effort.

Six months later, I had still not conceived and was getting frustrated and tired after two failed rounds of Clomid. We decided the timing just wasn't right, so we put our family dreams on hold and took some time off.

Two more years went by and we started to get serious again about having a baby. We decided to try the natural route with herbs and supplements. Although we both definitely noticed a difference in the way we felt, we still were not getting the results we were wanting (pregnancy). So, back to the doctor I went to get started on Metformin.

We have been trying now for the past eight months to get pregnant. I have immersed myself in research, support groups, anything I can find that might help me to finally be able to show my husband what a positive pregnancy test looks like up close.