Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's been a while

Well, I realized that it has been too long...well over a month since my last blog posting, so I thought I should update. The 2ww ended and we got yet another BFN. I had a feeling that this was the result we'd get, but it certainly didn't make it any easier. So, we met with our RE and he said that everything looked so good, my hormone levels, my follicles, husband's swimmers, hormone levels post IUI. Both times, it looked good like this, so we should have had a positive result...unless the swimmers just aren't all that attracted to my eggs. At this point, our best option is IVF. I was ready to hear that, but what a huge let down! So many people can get pregnant without thinking about it. I never thought we'd have to struggle as much as this to get pregnant.

We are now on a break. We certainly will be over the moon if we get pregnant in the next few months, but we cannot afford IVF right now. We have gone back to the Amish herbalist that we went to a couple of years ago and have again been taking various herbs. It has been about a month and I haven't noticed any benefit yet. Last time I noticed right away, so I don't know what the deal is. We are supposed to go back soon, so I'm hoping the next month will bring more success.

I called RE the other day and explained that we are applying for some IVF grants. If we actually are awarded a grant, I cannot even describe how ecstatic I would be. That would take away so much stress and allow us to actually move forward with treatments. I think to receive a grant would be almost as emotionally moving as finally getting a BFP...which of course will likely happen with an IVF cycle.