Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not again

Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be this month, either. My follies just aren't mature enough. My husband and I both choked back tears as we got the news and it was a difficult drive home.

The rest of the day has not been a good one so far. I bawled at work between clients, and when my brother randomly called, I immediately started crying. It's going to be a long night.

So, I guess we start again next month. Maybe higher doses will do the trick. I just don't know how much more disappointment I can handle. The worst is that my husband is really struggling now, too. I hate to see him so sad!

I just keep wondering, "What did we do wrong? What could we have done better?" But, I don't think there are any good's just not meant to be right now. I just don't get it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Waiting Game

Tomorrow is the big day...the day when we find out whether or not this round of medication actually helped. I imagine it is almost as bad as the 2 week wait after an IUI or IVF, but I wouldn't know. I just can't wait to find out whether or not my follies are growing...excited about the idea that they are, terrified that they are not.

I told myself I wouldn't blog about it until I knew what the outcome was, so I could either comment on my devastation, or note my excitement. I just couldn't wait. I have so much running through my mind in anticipation of tomorrow. I have been praying a lot more and asking for good test results.

This time, it feels different...not physically, but emotionally, I guess. I have learned not to trust my physical feelings, as my body likes to trick me. I do have occasional cramps in "the region" which make me wonder if it is just my ovaries doing their job for once. But, I have been deceived before, so I try to ignore it until I know for sure. Emotionally, I'm a mess. My hormones seem to be better in balance because I'm not a basket case right now, but I'm at the edge where I could go either way depending on what the circumstances are. This feels different too, because I really wanted this before, but with this cycle, I feel like we are making a more desperate attempt than ever before. I see it in my husband's eyes and I have even noticed in his behavior that he wants to make sure we do everything right this time.

So tomorrow, we find out our fate. Will we have to continue to endure the pain of knowing that I'm still broken, that my ovaries refuse to work properly, or will we be overjoyed at the possibility that this might be it...our first ACTUAL chance of getting pregnant???

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Please let it be now!

The last few days have been a crazy mess for this Infertile-Myrtle. Just a week ago, I was looking forward to the change in medications that I was discussing with my doctors. My family doctor agreed to the extended release Metformin and raised my dosage back up to a level that might be more effective. So far, it has come with some side effects, but not nearly what I experienced with regular Metformin.

The same day I started this medication was my last day of Provera (unfortunately required because AF chose not to make an appearance without assistance). That night, I found myself in the ER with really high blood pressure and chest pains. Test results including lab work, ECG, chest x-ray, and CT scan revealed that I was just fine. My RE told me later that he is sure it was a reaction from my medication. Hopefully, we won't be going through that again!

AF arrived the morning after my ER visit. Baseline ultrasound was scheduled for yesterday and according to the magic ultrasound wand, my inside bits look good. Spent extra $$ to talk with my RE in person about switching from Clomid to Femara this cycle. He agreed. After I picked it up from the pharmacy, I decided that we will not make a habit of this because to costs almost 10x more than Clomid and our bank account can't handle that. In addition to Femara, we'll be doing Menopur injections.

My fingers are crossed that this cycle's efforts will actually produce some follicles. I remain convinced that if we can get some follicles, we can get pregnant with no problem (I hope, I hope, I hope...). More than anything, i want to get to our first IUI without having to cancel another one. If we make it that far, surely we can make a baby (or two).

So, I'm praying every day. I'm taking deep breaths, relaxing, getting plenty of sleep, and trying to stay organized in as many areas as possible. I am trying to focus on the positive and am hoping for a miracle...that my day 12 ultrasound shows some healthy, happy follicles that are looking to meet up with just the right sperm.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feeling better in the New Year

I bought this book for my husband after he admitted that he has been really feeling down about our continued struggles with infertility. He also was completely lost when he went with me to RE was all foreign to him. So, he started reading this last week and LOVES it. It has really helped him understand infertility and it's fun to read which makes it even better.

AF never showed up, so after a BFN confirmed that there was nothing left to hope for this past cycle, I started Provera again. AF should show up sometime next week. From here, we're doing another combo cycle. The nurse told me that we'd be using a different injectable medication and I emailed my RE to see if he'd be willing to change my Clomid as well to Femara which looks like it might possibly work better for me. We'll see what he thinks, though.

It seems like more than ever, I really want this cycle to be the one for us to at least do our first IUI. So far, we've had three cancelled IUIs because my ovaries just haven't been working. I still think that if I ovulated even once and we were able to do an IUI, we'd get pregnant with no problem. No problem...that would be nice.

I have been putting off finding a new OBGYN for months. I don't really need one until I actually get pregnant (though, I'm probably due for a pap smear pretty soon), but it had been weighing on my mind. I had some time to kill at work last week and was able to find what looks like an awesome practice! All of the staff are female...they have a couple of OBGYNs and a couple of nurse practitioners. It is about 45 minutes away, but I refused to see anybody local because when I do get pregnant, I don't want to deliver at any of the hospitals in my area. The practice I found is one I had actually looked at once before, but I never got around to making an appointment. In doing a little research last week, I discovered that the doctors there have privileges at two of which sounds exactly like the kind of hospital I want to go to. That settled it...I'm going there!

Thanks to the New Year, we have a fresh supply of funds to pay for treatment, so we have been working on paying off some other bills. My husband traded in his old truck for one that he is in love with. That's one thing marked off our list for the year. I think we might finally be able to get all of our medical bills paid off completely this year. There are a couple that we've been making payments on forever. It'll be so nice to get rid of them! Im feeling pretty positive so far this year that we'll be in better shape financially which is really helping my stress levels go down.