Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And we're back...

Well, the summer is drawing to a close and "break time" is officially over. We have the money we needed to continue treatments and will be starting a cycle of birth control pills in just a few days. What?! Birth control to help me get pregnant? RE says it sometimes works to "shock" my defiant reproductive organs into doing their job so that next month, we can proceed as planned with more injections (along with blood work and more visits to the office for ultrasounds) and hopefully, we'll finally have a successful IUI. I remain sure that if my ovaries actually spit out even one little egg, my DH's army of swimmers can SURELY find their way to it and one can SURELY seek refuge inside said egg and SURELY said zygote can then make itself comfy somewhere in my uterus for about 9 months. At least, that is what I pray happens because this girl sure isn't made of money and she's really tired of giving herself shots and hearing "sorry, not this cycle" and saving every extra penny on drugs and doctor visits when she would rather be buying baby stuff for her unborn child.

My plan over the summer was to focus on other things, like having fun, paying other bills, losing weight, etc. Honestly, my motivation was in significant trouble. I certainly had some fun, but didn't do a whole lot of traveling or other things that I probably would have done if I wasn't saving my money. I paid off some bills, though still have a few that I'm working on, but the end is in sight, at least. I haven't really lost any weight...haven't dieted, haven't done a ton of exercising. That's okay though, because I also haven't GAINED weight. I am also in really good spirits right now (probably hormone-related), so my motivation is slowly improving enough that I think I may actually lose a few more pounds before the "real" end of summer. I had also planned to see a new doctor, but that hasn't happened. I know who I want my new OBGYN to be, but haven't called yet. I keep putting that off until I need her for OB reasons, rather than adding GYN appointments to my list of "stuff to do." I think I have settled on a new family doctor as well...I actually have it narrowed down to two promising possibilities. My only hang-up with that is that I have a little bit of a balance left to pay my current doctor (literally one more payment could do it) before I switch. I haven't been in a big rush though, because I have plenty of metformin and I keep telling myself that I don't "need" anything else right now (even though I know I'm lying to myself....HELLO!). But, I have every confidence that these things will be falling into place soon. At this point, I'm taking all of this one day at a time. Flying by the seat of my pants (sort of), as my DH has taught me to do during our marriage. Sure, I still plan things out, but I don't get in as big of an anxious rush about it (if I can help it)...seems to work pretty well for me.

So, I tip my glass of orange juice to my pills each morning before I wash them down and hope that this time...THIS TIME...will be the time it works.