Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Money, money, money, money...

I hate thinking about money. I hate worrying about money. I generally don't have to worry about it too much...we have enough to get our bills paid and do fun stuff every once in a while. We do have some debt (student loans, and medical bills, mostly), but we are getting things taken care of. Unfortunately, my insurance does not cover any of my treatments for infertility, so all has been out of pocket so far. I have a little money left in my flex account and we're trying to build our savings back up so we can afford the next round of treatment without completely going broke.

I was sure that although we definitely needed a break from appointments and charting and medications, the break would be difficult. It actually hasn't been as bad as I feared. Sure, I still get a little sad when I walk by the baby stuff at the store, or feel mixed emotions when I get a new picture of my 6-week-old niece (my sis and I were TTC at the same time). However, the "time off" has allowed me to put my focus elsewhere. I can focus on work, cleaning my house, improving my physical health (exercising more!!!), and all those things that I had started to neglect a little more when my mind was on my female anatomy.

I hadn't even seen AF since February and finally decided to call my RE in April to get some Provera. Of course, the day after I picked up the prescription (before I actually started taking it), AF showed up. Until recently, I was always on a hormonal roller coaster. I feel like this break has been great because my body is starting to act more like the body I remember before all the hormone injections and pills. I don't feel "every little thing," and wonder....

Anyway, even though break time has been good for us, we got asked the dreaded question from some friends we hadn't seen in a couple of years..."When are you having kids?" I mean, my GOSH...it's been almost 6 years for crying out loud...how much time do we need before we start adding to our family??? So, because I'm not hormonal, I calmly and cooly said, "We will have kids someday, when we're ready. We have just been enjoying our time together. We can do anything we want, whenever we want and don't have to worry about a babysitter." This reminded me that I can't wait to start trying again. The plan is to hopefully have the money we need by August...September at the latest. Hopefully, the next round will be the magic one that finally results in a pregnancy.