Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Two peas in a pod

This past weekend was my baby shower, put on by my sisters and my mom. The shower itself was fun, decorations lovely, food was tasty, and the guests were generous. All in all, it was a good day. The weather was even perfect for it!

The day before my shower, we had an OB appointment. My sister got to join us and was excited to get to hear those two little heartbeats. Baby B kicked the doppler a couple of times, which was fun. Baby A (per tradition) was squirming around to avoid the doppler and we managed to catch the heartbeat only for a few seconds before the baby found a good hiding spot away from the doppler. :)

OB gave us the bad news that she is leaving the practice and moving to another office 30 minutes north. She gave me a hug and said we could follow her, but since our trip was already 45 minutes, she recommended that we just stay at the practice and she would have one of her colleagues take over my care after she leaves in a few weeks. It was difficult news because we had grown pretty close to her and absolutely LOVED her as a doctor.

Today, we are officially 23 weeks along in this pregnancy and DH and I are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. What a great day!

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