Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Babies are almost here!

I passed my 3 hour glucose test with flying colors. Everything was in range with every single blood draw. This was a HUGE relief for me because although my A1C early in my pregnancy was nice and low, putting me in the low risk category for gestational diabetes, diabetes does run in my family and I have PCOS, so I am technically at higher risk anyway. Gestational diabetes is considered "no big deal" in pregnancy because it is easy to treat, but it only further adds to the risk of developing diabetes later in life. That is what scared me. I have worked hard over the past few years to lower my risk as much as possible and this would have been quite a blow to me. So glad to know that I'm still healthy and that my pancreas is doing what it is supposed to do!!!

My doctor had requested that I have another CBC done because my white blood count was slightly elevated the last time. She wasn't concerned, but wanted to see what it looked like. Well, my numbers rose again. Still, I'm within an acceptable range, but they are now watching it more closely to make sure it doesn't keep rising. I'm not that worried about it, but hoping it really is nothing to worry about.

I hit the 30 week mark this week. I only have about 7 more weeks left if I make it to my evacuation day (the day in my mind that will be the last day I will allow myself to be pregnant). I have been getting lots of braxton hicks contractions, but of course it is completely random and it is still just a bit too early for these babies to be ready to enter the world. They have to hang in there for at least 4 more weeks before OB will be okay with them making an appearance. Most days are no big deal, but I do have some rough days with back pain and pressure from these heavy babies, so I am slowing down a bit more than I had been before.

OB appointment tomorrow to meet with a new doctor. Hoping I like this one, but I know that none will quite compare to the amazing one that I had before. I miss her already!

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